Thursday, April 21, 2011


   This week has been exciting.  It's been tough, but I've had several victories!

1.  I ate dessert....That's a BIG DEAL!

2.  I got off "couch" (after meal monitoring).  Now I have so much freedom!  Finally!  Everyone else who came after me and was put on couch was getting off after a week or two.  I think it's safe to say that after being on couch for 3 months, I've done my time!

3.  I had my 90 day evaluation and it went so well ! I found out I'll be back home in time for fall semester!  Yay!  I've missed school SO MUCH!

4.   Today (4/16) I had my first non-diet soda in almost 4 years!  I was trying to think of the last time I had "real" soda and I remembered it was when my feeding tube was clogged so they had to pump coke through it.  It was forced and I was not a happy camper.  But I did this today, on my own decision, to challenge myself!  Dude, I'm proud of myself! haha.  If you haven't struggled with an eating disorder, it may not sound like a big deal, but holy crap! Trust me! It is!  It tasted ok but I still like the taste of diet better.  I'm just glad I tried it.

So......I feel like I'm finally getting my life back!!  YAY.

   One frustration has to do with my ankle.  Here at Mercy we get to go to the gym a few times a week, which is great because I finally am learning appropriate exercise.  So I've been trying out the treadmill and it's beyond exciting because for years I was not allowed to exercise and I was physically incapable of running.  My body just couldn't handle it.  So anyways, I've been running lately, but my ankle has been hurting afterwards and sometimes has been snapping. It's disappointing because i'm finally able to do something and now I'm being told to take a break.  I'm going to the doctor soon...we'll see what happens.
   Right now, the step in counseling I'm on is quite challenging, so please keep me in your prayers.  I just want to keep going forward.  I'm finally excited and hopeful for my future.  God is good.
   If you have been writing me, thank you so much.  It's so helpful and it totally makes my day.  Love you guys.



  1. sarah, i am SOOOO proud of you. this is all such great news (other than your ankle of course!). and i got your letter - i'll be writing back soon. :)

  2. love you sarah. you are doing such a good job. I am so proud of you for trying that stuff!! and I remember coke in feeding tubes felt funny :) haha. keep getting your life back - or making your new life.
    -hannah h. :)

  3. so proud! keep up the good work. =) i miss u girl.

  4. This post totally just made my night. I'm BEYOND PROUD of you, sissy! Keep it up, freedom is within your reach <3 Love you!
