Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mercy Address

"I fell for this so many times
It's ridiculous
And still I stick with this
I'm sick of this but in my sickness and addiction
You're as addictive as they get
Evil as they come vindictive as they make em
My friends keep asking why I can't just walk away from
I'm addicted
To the pain, the stress, the drama
I'm drownin' so I guess imma mess
Cursed and blessed
But this time imma
Ain't changing my mind

No matter how scared I am of this next step, I am so ready! I'm done with this disorder.

Thank you for all of the support you guys have been giving. It means so much. I won't have access to my blog while I'm at Mercy but will have my mom update it periodically. Some of you have been asking me for my address, since I'll really only get to stay in contact thru 'snail mail', so here it is:
Sarah Hoff
P. O. Box 1628
Lincoln, CA 95648-1628

To all of the incredible people I have had the privillege of meeting and getting to know over the last few yrs, who struggle with eating disorders, keep your heads up! I'm praying for you and love you all!

Love, Sarah


  1. My sweet sarah bear, You are truly an inspiration. Although you are years younger than me, I have learned so much from you. You tenacity and faith i God makes you such an incredibly caring, insightful, and yessss beautiful young woman. I believe you are going to get your life back and live the life you were meant to. Giving to others who are less fortunate, making people laugh and putting smiles on their faces..Most of all a life of freedom, peace and health. I will write you while you are at Mercy. I think God has blessed you with the vision of what his path is for you. Now you just have to follow it..remember "I'm Not Afraid"!! love you, cheryl

  2. Gramma-bear, I love you so much and likewise feel so very fortunate to be a part of your journey back to life, health, and JOY. Your insight and encouragement is inspiring. Keep up the good work, I know we will both make it through. I love you so very much.

  3. Sarah,

    Please keep your terrific blog going.

    I am the mom of a young woman who was in ED treatment with you this past year. You were an inspiration to her and I can see why.

    Many years ago, I suffered from anorexia, depression and anxiety.

    Through God's Grace and good luck, I made a full recovery. And I affirm that you will, too.

    My daughter is doing well. She left the IP and then did some Residential and IOP. Upon discharge from IP, the treatment team wasn't so hopeful for her. She has been home with us since July and has a good outpatient team. What has seemed to really help her was having us parents make and monitor many of her meals for awhile. I guess you would say that we are doing a 'modified Maudsley' approach that we learned from and Is is possible that when you leave residential that you would and your parents would be willing to try that approach?

    No matter what means you use to treat your condition, KNOW that you can and will recover.

    God Bless you and your family,

